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KTON is a token that incentivizes users to deposit their RING token for a specific period of time. On the Darwinia chains, users can deposit their RING for up to 12 months on the Darwinia Staking App, and in return, they receive KTON as a reward. The initial supply of KTON is zero, and it is only created when users deposit their RING tokens. Once acquired, KTON can be used to participate in the KtonDAO staking and governance processes.


Please note that users cannot undeposit their RING during the committed period unless they pay a penalty of the amount of KTON they have received. Therefore, users have the flexibility to choose the deposit period and receive KTON in return during the RING staking process.

Kton Staking

If you've deposited RING tokens and received KTON, you can leverage those KTON to participate in the Kton staking mechanism. As a bonus, RingDAO allocates 20% of its issuance to KtonDAO, which is distributed to KTON staking participants as an additional reward for their involvement. To get started, visit the Kton Staking App.


KTON holders can do more than just participate in Kton Staking. They can also join a decentralized governance community, where they can discuss and submit proposals on KtonDAO Tally. KtonDAO is a community-led initiative, created and driven by KTON holders themselves.