Hardhat is a powerful Ethereum development environment designed to assist developers in managing and automating the repetitive tasks associated with building smart contracts and decentralized applications (DApps). Notably, Hardhat has the capability to directly interact with Darwinia's Ethereum API, enabling developers to deploy their smart contracts onto the Darwinia network. This compatibility allows developers to leverage Hardhat's features and tools when working with Darwinia, streamlining the development process and facilitating the creation of robust and reliable applications.
Setting up a project¶
In this tutorial, we will explore the usage of hardhat by deploying a contract and performing various contract functionalities. The tutorial involves multiple script files, so let's create a new JavaScript project called example-with-hardhat
to organize and manage the code effectively. This project will serve as a workaround for implementing the hardhat functionality.
Install the hardhat by runing the following command:
If you run npx hardhat
now, you will be shown some options to facilitate project creation:
$ npx hardhat
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Welcome to Hardhat v2.17.3
? What do you want to do? …
▸ Create a JavaScript project
Create a TypeScript project
Create an empty hardhat.config.js
Select Create a JavaScript project
, a simple project creation wizard will ask you some questions. After that, the wizard will create some directories and files and install the necessary dependencies. The most important of these dependencies is the Hardhat Toolbox, a plugin that bundles all the things you need to start working with Hardhat.
The initialized project has the following structure:
These are the default paths for a Hardhat project.
is where the source files for your contracts should be.test/
is where your tests should go.scripts/
is where simple automation scripts go.
Contract Interaction¶
The network provider used in this tutorial is the Crab testnet. However, the concepts and techniques covered in this tutorial are applicable to other Darwinia networks as well.
Prepare And Compile Contract¶
Create a smart contract file under the contracts
by running this command:
To showcase the interaction with the smart contract, we have prepared a simple Solidity smart contract. You can find the contract code pasted into the storage.sol
file. This contract will serve as the basis for demonstrating how to interact with it using hardhat.
This contract is straightforward and easy to understand. It consists of two functionalities: storing a number and retrieving the updated number. Let's proceed to learn how to interact with this contract using hardhat.
To compile your contracts in your Hardhat project, use the built-in compile
The output looks like this and the compiled artifacts will be saved in the artifacts/
directory by default.
Update Hardhat Config¶
Before working with the contracts, there are a few basic configurations that need to be set up. Replace the default hardhat.config
file with the following content. This configuration includes the Crab network RPC information and adds a test account:
By updating the hardhat.config
file with this content, you will have the necessary configurations in place to interact with the Crab network and use the test account for testing purposes.
Deploy Storage Contract¶
And paste the following content into it the deploy.js
under scripts:
Start the deployment by running the command:
The output like this:
is the address of the deployed storage contract, as a unique identifier for that contract. It will be used later to store and retrieve the number.
Using Hardhat Console¶
Hardhat comes built-in with an interactive JavaScript console. You can use it by running npx hardhat console
Using the console tool, interacting with the deployed contract becomes incredibly convenient. Let's instantiate a storage contract and bind its address to it. By doing so, we will be able to easily interact with the contract and perform various operations on it.
# In the harhat console
const Storage = await ethers.getContractFactory('Storage');
const storage = await Storage.attach('0x46c66F6c65C7550a1CF94754979a1A52dB6C26c9');
Store Number¶
The output:
ContractTransactionResponse {
provider: HardhatEthersProvider {
_hardhatProvider: LazyInitializationProviderAdapter {
_providerFactory: [AsyncFunction (anonymous)],
_emitter: [EventEmitter],
_initializingPromise: [Promise],
provider: [BackwardsCompatibilityProviderAdapter]
_networkName: 'crab',
_blockListeners: [],
_transactionHashListeners: Map(0) {},
_eventListeners: []
blockNumber: null,
blockHash: null,
index: undefined,
hash: '0xbc28842eaa299ac5f4ebbd781a34dd0ae957009f8f9764942ca574fae7c76d47',
type: 2,
to: '0x46c66F6c65C7550a1CF94754979a1A52dB6C26c9',
from: '0x6Bc9543094D17f52CF6b419FB692797E48d275d0',
nonce: 11,
gasLimit: 45100n,
gasPrice: 182721978177n,
maxPriorityFeePerGas: 0n,
maxFeePerGas: 182721978177n,
data: '0x6057361d0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000003',
value: 0n,
chainId: 43n,
signature: Signature { r: "0x191e493eed26c34426522a9e29d913dd0c5a94ae62b44e398b8e0eb72d597b90", s: "0x474e5f1b1f363047b9a7c8c99bdd9f9429946a12acb876c8741ac5ce04a77438", yParity: 0, networkV: null },
accessList: []
Retrieve Number¶
The output: